The removal of the Hénâ waste tip

Soluções vinculadas
Desenvolvimento Urbano e Meio Ambiente

The Hénâ landfill site was used for the disposal of 1.7 million m³ of fly ash produced by the coal combustion at the Awirs power plant owned by ENGIE Electrabel. Fly Ash was dumped there from 1952 to 1972, when stability issues resulted in the closure of the site.

Over the years, all necessary measures were taken to reinforce the stability of the waste tip, but nevertheless the stability issue could not be definitively solved in the long term unless by the complete evacuation of the waste tip.

Cliente Engie Electrabel
Local Liège, Belgium
Período 2004-2025

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Os subdomínios vinculados são:
Localização e engenharia geotécnica Acústica e vibrações