Goldisthal Pumped Storage Plant

Soluções vinculadas
Desenvolvimento Urbano e Meio Ambiente
Água & Hidroenergia

The pumped storage plant Goldisthal is located on the upper course of the river Schwarza in Southern Thuringia. The effective storage capacity of the upper reservoir is 12 x 106 m³ and is provided with a bell-mouth type intake structure. It is connected by two steel lined 820 m long pressure tunnels, of 6.2 m dia., to a cavern powerhouse, which contains four 265 MW pump-turbines. Two 275 m long tailrace tunnels, of 8.2 m dia., run to the outlet structure at the lower reservoir on the Schwarza River.

Cliente Vattenfall Europe Generation AG
Local Goldisthal, Duitsland
Período 1991 - 2004
Capacidade 1,060 MW

Services Provided

with the trusted expertise of Lahmeyer International

Subdomínios vinculados

Os subdomínios vinculados são:
Localização e engenharia geotécnica Equipamento hidromecânico e eletromecânico (HEM) Saneamento, tratamento e distribuição de água Grandes hidrelétricas Centrais de armazenamento de bombas Represas