Brussels Airport

Soluções vinculadas
Desenvolvimento Urbano e Meio Ambiente

Since 1989 Tractebel has been involved in the development of the Brussels National Airport infrastructure. Tractebel designed all sorts of airport related infrastructure (pavements, drainage & sewerage, water nets, fuel supply (HRS), substations, tunnels, … ), performed most mobility studies and was assigned MEP and structural engineering for most recent new and renovated buildings, in the last 10 years adding up to a total contract value of almost 10M Eur, representing an investment of over 400M Eur.

Cliente Brussels Airport Company
Local Zaventem, Belgium
Período 1989 - 2017

Services provided

Subdomínios vinculados

Os subdomínios vinculados são:
Modelagem de transporte e mobilidade Trilhos ou seria Trem Pontes e túneis Aeroporto e terminais de transporte